chia-seedsChia seeds are low in calories and packed with large amounts of iron, potassium, magnesium, protein, and fiber. For vegetarians, they are great substitute for seafood as they are equally rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Their high-fiber content makes you feel fuller for a longer duration than usual, thereby, reducing your food intake, while the high nutrient content keeps your stamina intact. Consistent use of chia seeds has shown to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of diabetes. Since they are bland and tasteless, they can be added to baked items, cereals, and smoothies.

Pumpkin seeds are a great choice to be included in a weight loss diet as they contain high amounts of zinc which helps burn fat faster, and balance the blood sugar level. Moreover, calcium and magnesium present in them reduces bloating. They further promote alkalinity which neutralizes acidity in the body. Besides, they are also rich n protein, vitamin E, manganese, and rare antioxidants. A single tablespoon has 4.7 gm of healthy fats.

Sesame seeds are rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, fiber, and vitamin E – which means, great body metabolism and a strong digestive system. Heart health is improved and you will also see a considerable lift in your immune system. Studies show they may reduce risk of multiple sclerosis. You may add them to salads, cereals, yogurt, chicken, and fish for a delicious, crunchy diet.

High in healthy fats, Sunflower seeds are also rich in vitamin B (great for burning calories), and vitamin E (natural antioxidants that fight toxins and prevent inflammation). Sunflower seeds are also an excellent source of magnesium that keeps your anxiety levels intact, thereby preventing the excess release of the weight gain promoting hormone, cortisol, in your body. The best way to consume them is to snack on them raw.

Hemp seeds are rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids that help burn body fat. They also contain magnesium and iron that will keep help boost your stamina and improve body metabolism, thereby, contributing to weight loss. They further assist to control body inflammation. Besides, these seeds are great mood enhancers that help you avoid indulging in mindless or binge eating.

So there you go – some of the best seeds for fitness and health that you can easily avail from the local supermarket and add them to your daily diet. Sow the seeds today for a fitter, healthier you!

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A voracious reader, a romantic at heart, and is hopelessly enraptured by the power of words, the richness of simplicity, and beauty of storytelling.


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