The myth goes “vegetarians don’t get enough nutrition like non-vegetarians” whereas the reality is a far cry from the truth. Well, let’s break the myth and get a little deeper into this and unveil some of the best vegetarian muscle-building foods that could prove beneficial to enhance your strength and help you gain muscles.

So, here are some of the amazing muscle-building foods for you!


The powerhouse of antioxidants, avocado, helps to improve stronger immunity and cell growth. These green veggies contain multiple essential nutrients including healthy saturated fats that help to produce testosterone, the hormone that helps to build muscles. They are a unique combination of healthy fats, fiber, and essential nutrients which help build lean mass.



Another good source of high protein, fiber, antioxidants, essential vitamins, healthy fats, and nutrients are beans. The white counterpart of this cannot be looked down upon when it comes to nutrition content. Packed with essential nutrients and high calories, beans give the proper balance of carbohydrate and protein that promotes proper muscle growth. Beans that help in effective muscle growth include kidney beans, chickpeas, black beans, green beans, lima or butter beans, pinto beans, and moong beans.



Easy on your waistline and super healthy for your body, this high fiber, antioxidants, protein rich and low-calorie veggie is the easiest way to stay full yet gain muscle. Loaded with potassium, folate, calcium,  vitamin K, A, C, this cruciferous veggie keeps you full for longer, helps you lose fat and gain muscle by providing the body with necessary nutrients while improving immunity and fighting cancer.



A wonderful source of protein, calcium, and vitamins, paneer is also rich in casein and helps improving muscle mass and strengthening bones. It also helps in muscle recovery and promotes effective muscle growth. As tasty as it is, full fat cottage cheese is one of the best options that is tasty and promotes lean muscle mass. A low calorie and healthy option for paneer or cottage cheese is Tofu which is also rich in high-quality protein, amino acids, isoflavones and essential nutrients that promote muscle building.



It’s not just like that Popeye, the sailor man eats spinach! There is a reason and his protruding biceps bear witness to his muscular strength. This leafy vegetable with super food qualities is an amazing source of protein, calcium, vitamins, fiber, iron and several nutrients. It also helps in building muscles and muscle recovery.


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The handiest snacks that are healthy, crunchy and delicious yet packed with body building essential nutrients are considered among the best bodybuilding foods. A considerable and healthy portion of nuts should contain almonds, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, and cashews. A cup of mixed nuts is loaded with fiber, potassium, zinc, magnesium, alpha-tocopherol, vitamin E & B, antioxidants, protein, and good fats that boost your muscle mass without harming your waistline.



Loaded with essential nutrients and amino acids, Quinoa is considered as one of the ideal foods for muscle building. The complex carbohydrates, manganese, magnesium, iron, zinc, essential amino acids and high proteins present in quinoa make it one of the high-quality muscle-building foods


Soy protein

A vegetarian’s delight, soybean, soy milk, soy chunks, soy granules are the best available sources of soy protein that satisfy the need of protein in the body and build muscle mass. Soybean, a legume that contains low saturated fat and no cholesterol is a source of essential amino acids, calcium, zinc, vitamin B iron, and fiber.

Soya Proteins

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Gympik Dietitian and Nutrition expert, Sujetha Shetty suggests, “The diet for muscle building should be planned in such a way that there is always a calorie surplus even after calories are burned through exercise and resistance training. Regular exercises coupled with ample fuel for your muscle can give you that drool-worthy physique.”

So, you thought animal proteins are the only sources behind those chiseled abs and enviable physique? Think again before you actually start believing it, coz Google can tell you about world’s some of the best bodybuilders who swear by the exquisite power of vegetarian diet. Let us know what you think about these vegan muscle-building foods in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you. Till then stay fit, stay healthy!


  1. All this time I have been a meat head where in fact there are these vegetarian food best for muscle building diet. Surely, I will try this one and share it with my friends.

  2. When fats stop coming from food, the body does not have enough material for the secretion of testosterone. But experts do not recommend leaning on butter and fatty pork – it is better to prefer vegetable fats to animal fats. Also you can always find the best testosterone booster here


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