Why White Rice Is Better Than Brown Rice

Rice is not only considered a vital part of Indian culture, but the whole Asian community as well. It’s hard to imagine a meal without rice. People do need...

5 Food Items Women Should Definitely Include In Their Diet

Gynaecology mainly refers to the reproductive and hormonal system. Roughly speaking, ‘gynaecology’ stands for the “science of women”.  In the Victorian era gynaecology meant the female science, while andrology...

Diagnosed With Cancer, What This Kickboxing Champion Did Next Will Blow Your Mind!

When Girish Gowda’s sister broke the news, the family wasn’t prepared for it. Then again, no family in this world would be prepared for the news that their youngest...

Is Salad Important In Weight Loss Meals?

Salads have actually been a part of our diet since ages. Remember "Koshimbir" Yes many of us might be tasted it. It's a form of Salad. But as time...
De-Stressing With Yoga Asanas

De-Stressing With Yoga Asanas

Yoga is an effective stress reliever and also a way to ease symptoms of anxiety. By shifting focus and attention from the surroundings to one’s body and breath, yoga...
How to keep body cool in summers

How To Keep Body Cool In Summers?

Summers are always harsh for me personally! Thankfully, Hyderabad is still doing the cool so that keeps me happy, both financially and emotionally. But, I am sure there are...