Are You Drinking Sufficient Water!

It's summer, and the scorching heat leaves you feeling lethargic and tired. You are encouraged to drink enough water and stay well-hydrated all day long as you lose  body...

5 Ways A Woman’s Body Changes After 40

Turning 40 is considered a milestone in a woman's life because of the various changes she experiences within her.  A significant change being the onset of perimenopause - a...

From HR Professional To Marathon Runner To Scuba Diver…This Guy’s Story Is All The...

At the age of 28, most of us are busy slogging our backsides off to get that elusive promotion and hike. The only adventures in our lives happen over...
fitness for kids

Importance of Fitness for Children

Charity begins at home but often fitness does not. Wondering why? We see a lot of children these days with a lifestyle disease often associated with adults- Obesity, the main...

5 Benefits of Being Fit!

Life goes on irrespective of all odds. It is never late to start again. Think of a spectrum adapting a changed perspective towards life. That there are millions out...

Drop These Myths To Drop That Belly Fat!

Been hitting the gym 7 days a week and working extensively but to no avail? Did your last water diet leave you utterly dehydrated? Belly fat is indisputably the...