4 healthy snacks for movie night with friends

Entertaining your friends sounds like fun but it entails a whole lot of responsibility. When you’re with friends, you want to pig out but you’re also worried about gaining...
Here's Why You Should Hit The Sauna After A Workout

Here’s Why You Should Hit The Sauna After A Workout

The Finnish word ‘sauna’ refers to a room heated by a stove, and with steam created by throwing water on hot stones. The idea is to spend some time...

5 reasons muscle building is for everybody

There is no down side when it comes to anyone wanting to go for muscle building. Whether you are a he or a she, skeletal muscle is always a...

The most common fitness myths debunked

Newbie or oldie, we all hear contradicting fitness theories all the time; from friends to fellow gym goers, and the pros alike. So how do we separate the facts...

5 reasons you should have a workout buddy

If you’re the kind who wants to go to the gym but you haven’t got around to doing so simply because you don’t want to go alone, here’s a...

CrossFit: Get serious about getting fit

Talk about fitness trends and it is very likely that CrossFit will enter the conversation. It is catching on like wild fire in the fitness sphere; but what exactly...