What has colour got to do with health?  The answer, as many expert dietitians and doctors would agree that the benefits are, “plenty”! Colors on fruits and vegetables are a result of pigments in the plants. These pigments are storehouses of powerful antioxidants. In fact, the darker the colour, the more the pigments, and so, more the positive health impacts!

Purple, blue, and black colored fruits and veggies, it seems are the healthiest of all, since they are darker, pigment rich and super rich in antioxidants called “anthocyanins”. Read on to know more about how purple foods can help fight many diseases.



Jamun is known for its anti-diabetic properties. It is low in calories and the jamboline present in its seeds has a positive effect on insulin levels for diabetics, reports the Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. Besides, jamun fruit is also rich in soluble fiber, a boon for diabetics because they help regulate sugar levels.Think Health, Think Purple! - Jamun


Eggplant, or brinjal, has the anti-cancer chlorogenic acid which fights free radicals and protects cells from mutating into cancer cells, says a study by the US Department of Agriculture. The resveratrol found in purple grapes, cranberries, blueberries, bilberries, can inhibit the spread of colorectal cancer. Other promising studies also show that resveratrol can induce cancer cell death in cases of prostate, breast, skin, liver, lung, and blood cancers.

Think Health, Think Purple! - EggplantBrinjal

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A 2011 study found that anthocyanins from blackberries reduced stomach ulcer formation. Researchers believe that, this is because the antioxidants in blackberries prevent oxidation and boost the activity of other important antioxidants, such as glutathione, that are naturally present in the body.Think Health, Think Purple! - Blackberries

Heart health:

Black currants can lower “bad” LDL cholesterol by up to 13 percent while raising “good” HDL cholesterol. Black currants have more anthocyanins than blueberries. The purple pigment in all of these fruits and vegetables contain flavonoids, including resveratrol, which can help decrease blood pressure level. Resveratrol helps relax the arterial walls, decreases the pressure in the arteries and allows better circulation. Vegetable and fruits with purple hues contain a variety of polyphenols that can reduce the inflammatory response in the body.Think Health, Think Purple! - BlackCurrent

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Urinary tract infections:

Vegetables such as purple cauliflower, purple carrots and purple cabbage contain the same plant pigment, anthocyanin that is responsible for the UTI-fighting power of cranberries. Lab studies show that anthocyanin compounds fight H.pylori, the bacteria that promote stomach ulcers and urinary tract infections.Think Health, Think Purple! - Purple Cabbage

And these are the reasons why we say , when it comes to eating healthy, think purple! Comment in the section below to let us know if you have any thoughts. If you found this article interesting, don’t forget to like and share with your friends. A lot more is coming up your way.

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