
Who wants a six pack? Everyone!! And everyone can. Do leg raises, oblique twists and crunches for a while – and I 101% guarantee that you’ll get a six pack. But there’s one small problem. The problem is it won’t show because more often than not there is a thick layer of abdominal fat that’s covering up all your countless abdominal work.

Many people ask me for exercises to reduce abdominal fat and I tell them “spot reduction” (reduction of fat from only one part of the body) is a myth. I’ve listened to people say they’re going crazy doing leg raises and crunches but they can’t get six pack abs.

I’m going to give you a few well known tips and a few secrets which aren’t that popular but work like magic. You’ll just have put these into effect.

I learned these tricks through a lot of research, study, discussion, and of course personal experience.

Exercise/Diet-which one’s more important?

If you’re not eating clean, then you’re wasting your time in the gym. That’s a hard reality when it comes to getting a well defined physique. I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gyms. Pay a lot more attention to your diet and nutrition intake – eat healthy meals low in unhealthy fats, low calorie foods, drink a lot of water and avoid sugar. Exercise is of course important, but the amount of effort you will need to get the same result by exercise alone is a lot higher than if you were to control your diet and exercise together. They complement each other. You might run 10 miles every day and you’ll end up burring 300-500 calories. You can save the same amount by not eating a chocolate ice cream – so decide for yourself.


Got Protein?

Protein. Learn to love it, in every form. Go crazy after protein. Not only is it required to build muscle, but also for losing weight there is no better nutrient than protein. Eat all protein-rich foods and shun all fried or fatty foods. Try having protein shakes to replace meals – that is the best form of nutrition ever. (Protein blends work best here – more about this in another article). This is very important because as try to cut fat, you will inevitably lose muscle as the body will break down protein. In order to keep muscle intact and lose fat, high protein diet is a must.

Keep your metabolism high

Your metabolism (the basic processes that go on in your body) requires energy. In order to meet the needs of your body’s activities, the body uses up stored fat, glycogen and sometimes even muscle! We all want our metabolic rate to be high so that our body keeps burning fat even at rest! There are many supplements available to increase your metabolism which will help you lose fat much faster than you could otherwise. Strength training keeps your metabolism high for a longer time than cardio exercises (after burn)- so be sure to lift some iron. The more lean muscle you build the more fat your body will burn. Your body uses more calories to preserve muscle as opposed to preserving fat.


There are Zillions of fat-loss diets which are available on the internet or from nutritionists. But what most people forget is the effect dieting or a low calorie diet has on metabolism – it slows metabolism down! I’ve sadly noticed this happen a little too often. If you give your body fewer calories (basically starving) it will lose weight/fat…initially. Your body is a super smart machine. As soon as it detects that sufficient calories are not being supplied, it starts to slow down its processes and thus uses lesser energy, stores more calories as fat for reserve energy, thus making your fat loss process slower. So what do you do?

Confuse your system

Very simple. I personally love to follow a carb cycling diet, where its the 3-day-1-day rule. For 3 days have a very strict low fat, low carbohydrate, high protein diet. Low carbs means avoid sugar (or sweets), starchy foods (e.g. potatoes, bread, rice) and any other simple carbohydrates- basically follow a diet for 3 days. The following day have a higher amount of carbohydrates. Eat normal food – have bread, root, some sugar and of course regardless of the day, make sure eat small
frequent wholesome meals throughout the day. The morning after this day, you will notice serious changes! Try it and see for yourself.

There are tons of other things that should be taken care of, that could be mentioned, but I will keep those for my articles to come. Give this a shot, and I promise you will see a difference!!!

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A voracious reader, a romantic at heart, and is hopelessly enraptured by the power of words, the richness of simplicity, and beauty of storytelling.


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