Tension tension everywhere, all that’s left is stress! In a fast paced today’s world, we are so tied up to meeting deadlines and getting work done that in most situations we end up stressing ourselves like crazy. A recent study showed that women who were stressed were four times more likely to suffer heart attack in the next 14 years than those who did not. No, we’re not trying to scare you. But it’s true! And besides, stress is deadly to those already suffering from heart disease. So it’s probably time you pay heed to the load on your head and work at beating stress once and for all!

What happens when you stress out?

Stress leads to increased levels of stress hormones, namely, cortisol and epinephrine. Excessive cortisol release in the body has been linked with increased body fat deposition, weight gain, and high cholesterol levels. Don’t nudge this away! There’s proof. A very recent study found that stress leads to a weight gain of close to 4 kilos a year. The bottom line is, if you eat a burger when stressed out, you would end up with higher blood sugar and triglyceride levels than eating the same in a calm state of mind. (*Shocked!!*)

What happens when you stress out?

Lot’s of strings attached!

Stress can be a result of so many things and the bad part is that the cause soon becomes the by-product. Lack of sleep and vice versa; it’s a vicious cycle! The modern day plague of working till late night or rotational shifts just add to the problem. Research done on people working in such shifts system shows a lot of the major health problems just manifest with stress after a few years.Lot’s of strings attached!

What stress does to you

Sleep disorders and increased fatigue
Gastrointestinal problems, including gastric ulcers
Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders
Menstrual irregularities and hormone-related problems like infertility
Weight gain
Social problems and minor psychiatric disorders
Increased error in work and accident ratesSleep disorders

Apart from these health problems, such people also find themselves pressurized by lack of time for family and friends. It is difficult to find the time and energy for recreation and social life, and as a result may feel increasingly isolated from the people who matter in their lives.

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So, let’s just beat stress once and for all, shall we?
Tips to beat stress

1. Start getting organized. Try really hard to clear your desk. If you haven’t been able to do it on a Friday, it’s worth going in early on Monday before anyone else arrives at office.
2. It’s also worth maintaining a to-do list on a daily basis. Once you write down your tasks for the day, you get to know where you need to focus more and where you can do with little attention.
3. Write down a shopping list a day before you hit the store. Also, plan a shopping schedule so that it doesn’t crunch your time.
4. Well, we know it cannot happen every time but planning your weekend to some extent will help you to swing back to work smoothly on a Monday morning.
5. Organize your time well on Sunday. Have an early good night. A late night will sap your energy for a whole new start of the week.
6. And before you go to bed, prepare yourself for the next day like ironing your clothes and packing your bag or briefcase with whatever you will need for work the next day.
7. Try maintaining any kind of fitness regimen in your lifestyle. Be it a brisk walk, yoga, jogging, meditation, or hitting the gym. Exercise has been proved to be a major stress buster.
8. Do not try to handle everything. Seek help, manage smartly and smoothly. Overestimating your capability is one of the reasons you get stressed easily.
9. Let go! A few things in life cannot be controlled and we need to learn to let go of them. Unnecessary pressure on holding back things can make you lose your cool.

Beat stress once and for all with simple tips

While you’re working at beating stress, ensure you follow a healthy eating habit too – right from your diet to the meal timings. Expert dietitians and nutritionists are available, whose services you can easily avail through Gympik’s online portals. They can help you formulate a diet plan suited to your lifestyle.

Stay positive, eat right, workout well and lead a healthy and happy lifestyle. After all it’s just one life that you’ve got! If this article helped you then don’t forget to like and share with people who need it most. Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below and we’ll come back with more interesting articles for you.

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A voracious reader, a romantic at heart, and is hopelessly enraptured by the power of words, the richness of simplicity, and beauty of storytelling.


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