20 Minute Anytime Anywhere Workout For Your Entire Body

20 Minute Anytime Anywhere Workout For Your Entire Body

What can you do in 20 minutes these days? Apart from getting ready to go to work (minus the make-up time for women) and cooking a decent dinner on...
5 Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes You’d Love To Spoil Yourself With

5 Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes You’d Love To Spoil Yourself With

Ever heard people say, ‘it just has milk or cheese. It’s completely vegetarian’ when you say you’re following a vegan diet? The term, Vegan, is generally confused with vegetarian...
8 Fitness Movies That You Ought To Watch To Get Inspired

8 Fitness Movies That You Ought To Watch To Get Inspired

We’re aware of all the benefits that can be reaped by following a regular workout regimen, but we are humans and we all, at some point of time, hit...
Hey Lazy Bees! Here Are 5 Yoga Asanas To Do In Bed

Hey Lazy Bees! Here Are 5 Yoga Asanas To Do In Bed

Cold or rainy days just make you so much more lazier, isn’t it? Not blaming the weather but then if you’re lazy and don’t feel like setting foot on...
9 Easy and Healthy Dinner Ideas To Save You The Pain On Weekdays!

9 Easy and Healthy Dinner Ideas To Rescue You On Weekdays!

Weekdays after work be like, “Who’s gonna cook now? Let’s just order!” Not that we are against it, but then eating from outside every other day can screw your...
Kaustubh Working Out

Kaustubh Bornare: The Man who made Kickboxing A Phenomenon!

4-time national level and 2-times international gold medalist in kickboxing, a celebrity trainer, and an inspiration to many, Kaustubh Bornare is a name that inspires even people from the...