6 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Metabolism

Have you ever wondered why your friend can hog twice your entire day meal and still doesn’t gain weight and you on the other hand, starve half the day...

Smart Tricks To Tackle Food Pushers

Have you been practicing to hide the temper and grumbles off your face whenever someone pushes food towards you that you try hard to avoid in parties? Or, have...

How Gympik Personal Training Services Works

“Fitness should be an essential part of our life,” this we have heard from different sources already, got thrashed out by many for not following any fitness routine and...

All About Soul-O-Fit-The Ultimate Morning Fitness Bash

The Sunday morning on 10th July had seen an amazing bunch of enthusiastic and energy packed faces who flocked to blueFROG at Church Street, Bangalore, to soak up their...

5 Simple Ways To Detoxify Your Body At Home

                          Did you know that your body needs detoxification from time to time? When we hear the term ‘detox’, we usually tie it to substance abuse, but detox actually refers...

How to Stay Fit without actually working out

How many of us take resolutions every year to join the gym for a fitter body and fail miserably at the time of sticking to that fitness regimen? The...