Did you know that your body needs detoxification from time to time?

When we hear the term ‘detox’, we usually tie it to substance abuse, but detox actually refers to body cleansing from all forms of impurities. Day to day your body is exposed to various toxins present in the air, water, and food, particularly in the urban areas . The body works hard in removing these toxins through natural processes but that is not enough. Certain remedial measures and lifestyle changes are called for to speed up the detoxification process. So, here you go! We have compiled a few easy, gentle and safe ways to keep the toxins to a minimum and detox your body. The best part is, none of these will dig a hole in your pocket and easy to continue as long as you invest some time for yourself.

How and when would you know you need to detox?

Toxicity seeps into your body whether you know it or not; and if remedial measure are not taken, various health complications arises. Some of the most common signs of toxic accumulation are headaches, fatigue, weight fluctuation, skin problems like acne, zits and rashes, body odor, bad breath, indigestion, muscle and joint pains.

A proper detoxification or body cleansing process leads to many health benefits like improved digestion, increased energy levels, boosted immunity, better metabolism, less fatigue, and even helps shift a few Kgs. Sparkling eyes and a glowing skin are just the cherry on top! Besides, detoxification can be done easily and effectively through simple home remedies. Read on to know how easy that can be!

Home remedies for natural detoxification


There are endless options to detoxify your body naturally at home. If you have already unlocked them, please share them with us! If you are yet to start, try the above tips. Don’t forget to keep us updated on how these worked for you, we would love to hear about your experience!



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