Ever since opening the first branches, Power World Gyms has been in the news amongst fitness enthusiasts for all the good reasons. Not only is their total value for money offer winning hearts and minds, but with their plethora of equipment and certified trainers, Power World Gyms has been touching the lives of many people who, perhaps otherwise would have considered going to the gym a luxury. To understand what difference did Power World Make in their lives, we asked them the below questions and this is what they had to say.
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How is Power World Gyms helping you achieve your fitness goals?
People often do not realise it, but the kind of gym, trainer and the overall environment plays a great role in whether or not you are successful in achieving your fitness goals. Chandan Singh, a software engineer and Power Worlds Gym member says that it is the ambience and space within the gym that inspires him to work out the most.

For Brij Raj, a septuagenarian and a member of Power World Gyms, Sec-31 – Faridabad, it is the friendly instructors who are behind his success. He says, Not only have the Power World Trainers helped me come up with a workout plan, but they have provided me with a diet chart as well. Thanks to these plans and Brij Rajs own dedication, he feels young all over again!

What changes do you see in yourself after joining Power World Gyms?
Rahul, a 26-year-old entrepreneur admits that before joining Power World Gyms, he had a very irregular fitness regime. However, thanks to the discipline inoculated by the trainers, he has seen a complete turn around in his lifestyle. He says, Thanks to the trainers at Power World Gyms, I now have a complete workout and diet plan. I take 7 meals a day and come twice to the gym everyday working out and perfecting my technique under the master trainers here.

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Meanwhile, for Ruchi Malhotra, a housewife, joining the gym was a huge step up in life. Ruchi says, Like so many others, I too believed that joining a gym was a luxury reserved for those who could afford it. However, thanks to the unbeatable deal offered by the Power World Gyms, I too can look forward to a better quality of life now. In fact, not only has she joined her dream gym but she has also lost close to 8 kilos! Giving full credit to Power Worlds trainers, she says that not only has joining Power World Gyms made her much fitter than what she was, but it has also markedly improved her overall quality of life.

Why will you recommend Power World Gyms to your friends and family?
For Ruchi, spreading the word of fitness in the society is the most charitable act one can do and since charity begins at home, Ruchi has begun by enrolling her children at Power World Gyms as well! Describing Power World Gyms as a part of her lifestyle now, she is actively trying to get even more family members to come and join the gym. Rahul, on the other hand, is all about the plethora of equipment Power World Gyms has.Chandan Singh has already started referring his friends because he feels, no other gym can offer such space or equipment at such an awesome price. The other reason for Chandan would be the dedicated fitness trainers. He says, This is my best life and I would want all my friends and family to share it!
The Gift of Best Life
Mr Talavou Alailima, Founder and MD, Power World Gyms has maintained that he founded Power World Gyms with a singular objective of empowering people so that they can take control of their health and enjoy their best life each day. Given what the happy customers have been saying, it seems that Power World Gyms is well on its way to achieving the objective. Do you want to live your best life too? Head over to the nearest Power World Gyms today!
Don’t be fooled by the silly pictures. In the battles of a small world cup, mastering the complex physics and timing your shots just right takes skill and practice.
Power World Gyms appears to be well on its way to reaching the goal based on the positive feedback from its clients.