When one talks about weight training, the first muscles that come to the mind are the biceps and the triceps. While most of us dream of having those perfect cuts that film stars seem to flaunt so effortlessly, very few of us actually succeed. This is largely due to the fact that only a few of us get the form and the posture correct. Today, with the help of the expert trainers from the Power World Gyms, we will show you three exercises that will help you chisel those guns of steel!

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Parallel Bar Dips

Target Muscles: Triceps, chest and shoulders

Parallel Bar Dips

Sets 3

Reps 12

Step 1: Stand between two parallel bars with your hands on the bars.

Step 2: Lift yourself above the ground with your arms straight.

Step 3: Slowly lower your body while keeping your torso upright and elbows close to the body. Lower your body till your forearm forms 90-degree angle with your upper arm.

Step 4: Exhale and push your torso back up using your triceps to bring your body back to the starting position.

Step 5: Repeat.

Machine Bicep Curl

Target Muscles: Biceps and forearms

Machine Bicep Curl

Sets 3

Reps 12

Step 1: Place your upper arms on the pads and grasp the handles.

Step 2: Grab the handles with an underhand grip.

Step 3: Curl your arms towards you by flexing the elbow.

Step 4: Pause for 1-2 seconds and then return to the starting position.

Step 5: Repeat

You may also be interested in How Power World Is Making Fitness Accessible For You!

Hammer Curl:

Target Muscles: Biceps


Sets 3

Reps 12

Step 1: Stand straight with your legs at shoulder width.

Step 2: Hold the dumbbells in each hand. The palms should be facing your torso.

Step 3: Hold your upper arm stationary. Curl the weight forward and exhale while contracting bicep.

Step 4: After a brief pause and slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position.

Step 5: Repeat

Getting the perfect biceps and triceps isn’t rocket science, however, it requires proper guidance. Unfortunately, not many gyms are able to provide this guidance resulting in failure. This is where Power World Gym’s unique ‘Help Me’ badge comes into the picture! The unique ‘Help Me’ badge provided by Power World Gym makes sure that you always have a certified trainer on hand who will take you through the process step by step so that your fitness regime is on track. But don’t just believe it because we say so, walk into the nearest Power World Gyms in Bangalore or Delhi NCR to avail a free two-day trial and see it for yourself! Till then, stay fit, stay happy!


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