Right when you know you got everything that’s needed to be the best in making love, we want to you to stop and think over it. How you do it is obviously important but it’s also important to know how often you should be doing it. Well, you have to be sure to make it an enjoyable affair for your partner as well, but I’m sure it might have occured to you about the number of times that is considered to be ‘healthy’ or that doesn’t tag you as a ‘nymphomaniac’. You neither want to be a ‘do-it-rarely laid back’ person nor a ‘lets-do-it everyday’ maniac, agreed? So, without much ado, let’s talk about the untold rules, the balance and the important factors that keep the crumpled-bed-affairs pleasing and never let any doubts bother you again!

talk to your partner


First thing first: Making love is a two-way road to Vegas, what’s comforting to you might just be the opposite to your partner. Start thinking about it and don’t hesitate to talk about it if that’s the need of the hour!

According to the sex therapists, there are no hard and fast rules on how often you should be having it. There’s not a possibility of putting a count on it, for some couples having it 7 days a week is satisfying while some have it just once a week and still be happy with each other. It’s not a medication or a ritual that necessarily has to be performed. There’s no rulebook that determines the number of times you should be laid with your partner to stay happy. It’s necessary to remember that when you do it just for the heck of it, it can get mechanical and reflect poorly on your performance graph. (You wouldn’t want that, right?)

The best way to indulge yourself into a pleasure sesh is when you’re really willing to do it.

Remember that having sex is a way to rejuvenate your physical and mental health, come closer to your partner, accept each other emotionally and the byproduct always leads to a better relationship, better bonding, physical and mental connection and so on. On the other hand, excess of it when you actually don’t feel like it or get laid only for the heck of it may only result in increasing  stress of your body, that can refrain you from enjoying the moment and may also have leave you with some not-so-positive effects in your relationship.

how often you should be having sex

What is a normal frequency to have sex?

Sex Therapist, Tammy Nelson says that there’s nothing called as “normal” when it comes to physical intimacy. What’s normal to you may not be normal to your partner. Now when we know that physical intimacy is the best thing to happen to you  and it comes with pleasurable benefits (I’m sure some would agree Pizza is the best to do it), does the question of “How often you should be having it?” arise in our mind? I can hear the unanimous ‘NO’ from all out there already. Of course, it all ultimately melts down on having a healthy sex life. It is important to discuss with your partner about your needs and also to understand what they find pleasurable while at it. Not a tough thing to do, right?

what is normal

According to studies, a couple who has it at least twice a week are happier and closely bonded with each other than the couple who barely have it 10 times a year. Now, that’s the ratio we are talking about, assuming that the later couple surely has some indifference. We understand, it’s gonna be awkward talking about the do’s and don’ts in bed but equal consent on actions and pleasure is the key for a healthy sex life.

Having it too less? The possible reasons behind the dry winds can be these!

Taking a back seat and not making the car dance is quite alright at times, and this happens in every relationship. There can be a lot of reasons for not getting into it, this can be anything between physical stress, mental stress or loss of interest (Ouch!)  

  • Getting poor sleep exhausts your system and makes you want to cancel the sleazy appointment and just be a lazy sloth.
  • Taking certain medications like anti-depressant can take a temporary dry spell on your libido.
  • A busy day at work deprives your body of comfort, taking a long snore session is all you wish to do.
  • Being mentally stressed out never prepares you enough for anything, not even for es-ee-ex.
  • For married couples, having a baby brings in dry spell along with the overwhelming happiness (read never-ending responsibilities).
  • If you can’t check any of the boxes above, it’s possible you have a health issue that you might consider taking a look at.

how often you should be having sex

The high moments of having it regularly-

Having it regularly is definitely a spicy add-on to your relationship, but first you need to understand why sex is important? Getting intimate with your partner is essential in every relationship, it strengthens the bond and gives a chance for emotional expression that not only nurtures the relationship but also keeps it lively. It makes you feel desired and brings you closer to your boo. What else do you need?

  • It has multiple health and beauty benefits, don’t be surprised.
  • It releases anti-stress hormones making you feel happier and relaxed.
  • Having regular sex also helps you to have a sound sleep, thereby maintaining your physical and mental health.

sex is healthy

Intimacy is crucial and you have to work on it to keep your bond alive and cheerful, now we won’t intrude into it and let you find your cozy spot because at the end it’s just you two who can rock the boat, keep it sailing and hopefully for a longer duration. *wink*. But while you are at it, don’t count the number, rather enjoy it the way you and your partner prefer- don’t fall  prey to the superficial way of depicting the act by the number of times you perform it in a day or a week unless you want to be a Guinness Book record holder.


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