Running a Marathon - 3 things that nobody will tell you + 5 bonus pointers

8 Things To Remember If You Are Running A Marathon

Running a marathon is not a cake walk. But that said, it isn't rocket science either! There's a lot of planning and execution that comes into play and with...
honey for weight loss

Is Honey Better Than Sugar For Weight Loss?

Since time immemorial, this golden elixir has always been nurtured in the mind of people for being the source of immense health benefits. But, the greedy hands of civilization,...
why chocolate is good for your health

6 Reasons Why Chocolate Is Good For Your Health

Chocolate lovers, give us a cheer! Wow, almost 99.99% of us love, adores, and fantasize chocolate- the only solution to half of world’s problems! But, while you were drowned...
yogurt vs curd_banner

All You Wanted to Know about Curd and Yogurt!

How many times have you heard people calling curd as yogurt interchangeably? Yeah, there are many who think yogurt is the fancy name of the oldie, curd. But, here...
eating healthy at restaurant

How To Eat Healthy In A Restaurant!

Call it a cheat day or an all besties reunion, when it comes to eating out, we cannot stop but ponder over the menu and salivate over the delectable...
sexercise banner

Is Your Steamy Act Between The Sheets Considered As Exercise?

Wow! How amazing that would be if you have to do a little tango between the sheets and get your calorie in check? Well, our conscience have us guess...