10 Mistakes You’re Making in Yoga Class Unknowingly
Raise your hand if your heart skipped a beat seeing a yoga practitioner doing a one hand stand or a perfect headstand? Some of you might wonder, how on...
5 Delicious Recipes You ‘Oat’ To Try!
Ask any fitness enthusiast how they begin their day and there’s a very good chance that the answer would involve oats in one capacity or another.
Gluten free, loaded with...
Frustrating Experiences When You Forget your Headphone For Workout!
Well, the knotty little thing is something that we need when we just want to enjoy our own company than anyone elses, right! Gym is a place where you...
Fitness Motivational Quotes for Kick-Ass Sweat-Sesh!
The body says yes, but a piece of your heart feebly says NO! Lack of motivation to hit the gym and do some excruciating workouts sometimes the thought of...
5 Tasty Recipes To Enjoy Your Flax Seed
Admit it! Every time you hear the word healthy food you want to run and hide. Well, we dont blame you. Last we checked, no one was particularly excited...
Slay it Like Gal Gadot – Workout Regimen of The Wonder Woman!
A rock climber, a former runway model, former Miss Israel, a military girl, and a fitness enthusiast
. yeah, we are talking about the bad-ass Wonder Woman in the movie...