Nowadays its rare to find anyone who hasnt been to a yoga class. We have become aware of the fact that it isnt enough to just lose weight, its also important to cultivate holistic health. Which means, we should be attuned to our hungers signals, get enough sleep, have a well-functioning immune system, maintain optimal hormonal balance, have enough energy to perform our tasks and have some left over for our friends and family too.

If you practice yoga, then you are probably on track with all these parameters. And, if you arent, then now is a good time to register for a class! If youre unable to join a class, then the best way to start practicing yoga is by learning the Surya Namaskars, or the Sun Salutations.
This basic combination of 12 yoga postures is better for you than you think. Below are five benefits of the Surya Namaskars which will make you want to add them to your routine (if you havent already done it).
- You may have heard that the Surya Namaskars are a great way of getting your cardio quota of the day, but thats not all. A few rounds of Surya Namaskars enhances all aspects of fitness for your body. Along with cardio, the Sun Salutations strengthen, tone, and increase flexibility all in one shot. So instead of having to lift weights, do stretching and go for a run you can achieve all the results with a few rounds of the Sun Salutations.
Source: Google Images - Do you constantly look tired? Does your face have a pasty hue and are there dark circles under your eyes? If yes, then dont wait a minute longer to register for that yoga class. The combination of asanas in the Surya Namaskars ensures that blood circulates throughout your body, all the way to your extremities. This flow of blood to your face and scalp ensures, that your dead and tired cells get a new lease on life and your face starts to glow again. Dull, lifeless hair comes alive, and you end up looking like a healthier and younger version of you!
Source: Author’s personal collection.
Picture Credit: Joel Koechlin - Depression, thyroid related issues, PCOS or PCOD, metabolic disorders – all of these and many more problems resulting from a hormonal imbalance can be managed, and even cured, through the practice of yoga. The Surya Namaskars massage the internal organs, stimulating the flow of blood to them. This makes fresh oxygen available to the glands, which in turn start to function optimally again.
Source: Google Images - Do you spend all your time hunched over a laptop? Most of us do. Instances of back pain have increased exponentially in the last few years. The forward and back bending nature of the Surya Namaskars strengthens and tones the spine and back muscles. All the damage caused by sitting for long hours can be negated by the practice of the Sun Salutations.
Source: Google Images - As we age our bones become brittle and we tend to get injured faster. The Surya Namaskars ensure that our joints and muscles are flexible and strong. As a result, there is less chance of injury and you can live a healthier, longer, and pain free life.
Source: Google Images
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It is important to note that a regular practice of yoga is a must if you wish to enjoy holistic health. However, even just a few rounds of Surya Namaskars a day can help you gain innumerable benefits. Most practitioners find that once they start on the path of yoga, they want to delve deeper into it. It is advisable to spend time learning the proper technique and correct alignment for the Sun Salutations before you start practicing them unsupervised.
Disclaimer: This post was written by our guest contributor. The content herein is owned by the blogger. Gympik is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused.
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