Each day, I do learn a lot from the circumstances and recently I started to write into my journal and the weekly blogging write-ups that were left far behind due to sudden death of my mother that changed everything.

I was unable to regain the stability and heart was just not able to believe the truth that she was no more among us and my writings became the core avenue, to express all my emotions. But I was not able to give my hundred percent. Nevertheless, this phase was a calm phase. As if trying to inculcate key transformation, which took my depression to a whole other level.

I can honestly say exercise changed my life. Once I added fitness healthy food and exercise into my life, I started seeing a slow but steady change. My body and my mind were the first two things to transform. It was like I had been given a second chance.

When circumstances altered, it yielded the very fact that, I need to stand strong and walk along with everyone. And to move forward, I had to adapt that one thing, that was the change and the life after that without the support presence love care of my mother.

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Thus, I was ready to make this change, as painful as the tragedy. But it served me as a catalyst, that helped me to know myself further and the time to stand on my own stronger from within.

Transforming through road to recovery

Almost five years ago, I made the decision to change.
I was unhappy with myself in every way. I was tired of never feeling good enough for anything or anyone.

My Doctor had prescribed medication to treat my anxiety and asked me to take up meditation course to drive away sadness. I explored hundreds of diet plans, took up meditation and yoga course, and the instructor helped me to with a diet chart that included a three-day detox plan and labelled the good and the bad foods the high cholesterol and the good fibre fortifying food.

I started with walking an hour daily, also included 15 min treadmill exercise along with meditation and yoga. It wasn’t long until I was hooked to the endorphins. I witnessed the results, which kept me motivating. Positive attitude and outlook toward life changed me. The way I viewed myself and the world changed.

After you exercise, you are instantly in an improved mood and are proud of yourself for pushing yourself to workout. I hope my section can help other people who are stressed, to try something new, step out of their comfort zone, get on the exercise coach, and make a positive change to overpowering their depression.

  1. Mindset & Liveliness – curbing the attitude.

Do you ever sense perhaps low and not motivated enough to follow a healthy routine of exercise no matter in any form and, come out feeling 100 percent?! That is what keeps me going every day.

Keep fit adapting a healthy lifestyle releases endorphin, it makes you contented. There are so many people who know the virtuous feelings that come after exercising, what got me started was observing at myself in the mirror, my state of mind, my thoughts and the element I no longer wanted to be that person. I needed to change the way I was, so I tunnelled deep and found something that turned into inspiration. I pledge the craving to be better, to better for myself, for my family and friends. I used that feeling of hopelessness and curved it into adequate to be better.

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  1. Pen Down Resolution

“How do you stay so inspired?” Marking down your goal line and tapping them somewhere you can get reminder of what you’re working towards. By engaging these motivational imageries everywhere, on my work desk on my phone wallpaper in my kitchen, it served me as a daily reminder of why I started, and why I need to keep going.

3. Development; not Precision

“Strive for growth not perfection” is the key mantra I shadowed.
Since the very start of my journey, all I wanted to do was become a better version of myself. I envisioned to become fit and joyful and live a normal life.
Progress is the only thing you should work towards breaking your old patterns of life bypassing your old self!

I learnt that everyone is unique. The only person you should relate yourself to is the old version of you. I traced it by how my awareness had changed, and how my negative thoughts no longer interfered in my life. Having this outcome on my mind, facilitated me transform my mind body and soul.
I could feel the energy boosted and changes after my exercise, which again bought on endorphins and gave me a new course to life.

  1. Encourage others

Throughout this new trip of mine, I realize that I would be affecting people around inspiring them to make a change. This amazing progress was, inspiring them to make changes in their lives. I got messages from my author community friends that they feel really inspired, and this word kept me going and fuelled my motivation to continue striving for progress, and to inspire many more people.  Everyone needs something to keep them inspired, so I endure to write about my development, to remind other people that they can too, evolve and acquire the optimism key.

  1. You are what you choose on the way

In this life fluctuating voyage, I refined and studied more and more about foods, and my eating habits and how it impacts to my mind and body. I did understand that highly processed foods can trigger your depression and anxiety and make it even worse. After eating burgers and pizzas, we often feel a bit sluggish, lethargic.

This can have a negative effect, for people having issues of blood pressure and diabetes and when you consume foods like this on a regular basis, in due course it largely impacts on our body, tagging us overweight that has tremendous load on our heart. This made me feel worry about myself. I used to eat junk food and processed food too often. I started feeding myself nutritious foods, both my health and mood changed. You instantly have more energy and you’re more aware and positive.

“Change is not that easy and when you face some tragedy it becomes a little difficult to pull on, and overcoming adversities made me to understand that it is a process, besides that I should accept the graph of high and low and somehow try to move on in the process.

Whether we like it, or we resist, it must be accepted. Even if we are drenched into deep vulnerable self. Remember there are no shortcuts on the way and quick fixes do not help either, all that we can do is, accept the phase as a part of our journey package and flow along with time.”

Disclaimer: This post was written by our guest contributor. The content herein is owned by the blogger. Gympik is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused.


  1. The fundamental route, to vent all my emotions, became my writings, and I was unable to reestablish stability or trust in the truth that she was no longer among us. Unfortunately, I was unable to offer my absolute best. However, this was a peaceful period.


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