There is nothing to be ashamed of! Let’s face it; it might be a taboo for women to hash out about their sex lives or have more desire for it. But we are on the verge of breaking the shackles of the conventional norms, addressing all that is meant to be swept under the rug and speak out loud and clear! Sex is equally important for both, men and women, and a fitter body is the core of everything that makes the erotic connection better under the sheets. No wonder exercises make you more energetic, increase your stamina, boost your endorphin levels and give you better flexibility. So, ladies, these exercises are the key to make your time between the sheets better, steamier and more passionate!

Here are the exercises to boost your sex life

  1. Bridge Pose

bridge pose - exercise to boost women sex drive

How to Do Bridge Pose

Lie down on your back. Bend your knees and spread your feet hip-width apart. With palms flat, extend your arms along the floor. Pressing your arms and palms onto the floor, lift your buttock and back (keeping the shoulder on the floor) towards the ceiling as you inhale. Roll in the shoulders gently and touch your chin to your chest. Breathe easily and hold this position for a couple of minutes. Slowly exhale while you release the pose.

Benefits of Bridge Pose

Bridge pose strengthens the pelvic-floor muscles and awakens female sex organs, which contribute to better orgasms in women. This exercise strengthens back muscles, gives an extended stretch to the spine, chest, and neck. This also relieves anxiety, menstrual pain and the symptoms of menopause.

  1. Upward Facing Dog

upward dog stance - best exercise to boost women sex drive

How to Do Upward Facing Dog

Lie down on your chest keeping your legs hip-width apart and your hands at both the sides of your chest. Now, pushing your palms downwards, lift your torso off the floor. Pressing the chest forward bring your head up towards the ceiling. Lift your legs off the floor by pressing the feet down and engaging Mula Bandha. Breathe normally and hold for 30 seconds.

Benefits of Practicing Upward Facing Dog

This position boosts energy, strengthens arms, lower back and glutes, improves blood flow to the pelvic region. It also flexes the core muscles, psoas and hip flexors that help in revving up your sex drive.

  1. Kegels

kegels - exercise to spice up women sex drive

How to Do Kegels

Kegels are known to be important exercises to improve the strength of pelvic floor muscles. The fun part is, this can be done anywhere- whether you are lying down, standing or sitting, these are easy to do as well. Just try tightening your pelvic muscles in a way you would stop the flow of your urine.

Benefits of Practicing Kegels

Stronger pelvic muscles boost orgasm, intensify sexual satisfaction, and energize the libido during your adventure between the sheets.

  1. Plié

do pile exercise to spice up your sex drive

How to Do Plie

Bend your knees parallel to the floor and stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Keep your hands on your hips and your toes facing outward. Now, through your heels, press up to stand.

Benefits of Practicing Plie

It strengthens core muscles, legs, improves vaginal muscle functioning- leading to an intense and long lasting orgasm. It also sculpts and tones legs, thighs and improves balance.

  1. Open-leg rocker

leg rocker exercise for better sex drive

How to Do Open-Leg Rocker

Sit on the floor and lift your knees straight off the floor, clasping your ankles with your hands making a ‘V’ shape. Roll backwards and push your chin towards your chest while you exhale. Now, roll back to the starting position.

Benefits of Practicing Open-Leg Rocker

This improves core strength and balance, improves flexibility of inner thighs, and strengthens pelvic muscles. This particular exercise improves flexibility of lower body and gives a healthy boost to your libido.

So, ladies, it’s time for you to increase the intensity and excitement of the moment! But, before that, don’t forget to practice these amazing workouts that can do wonders for you. If you need any guidance to make your life more active and healthier, choose Gympik as your fitness pal. We will come back with some more amazing articles on the blog soon. Till then, stay fit, stay strong!

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  6. Your blog post tackles an often-taboo topic with a refreshing candor that is much needed in today’s conversations about sexuality and fitness. By encouraging women to embrace their desires and recognize the importance of a healthy, fit body in enhancing their intimate experiences, you’re empowering readers to break free from societal norms. The connection between physical fitness and improved sexual health is clear, and your focus on specific exercises like the Bridge Pose illustrates how targeted movements can significantly enhance stamina and flexibility.

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